Tag: marriage astrology

Powerful solution for delayed marriage

Powerful solution for delayed marriage

Powerful solution for delayed marriage

What is the astrological reason behind the delay in marriage and powerful solution for delayed marriage?

  1. Powerful solution for delayed marriage – For the astrological reason behind the delay in marriage, Saturn is known for delaying any work. Similarly, if it has any type of relationship with the 7th house (placement, aspect, or conjugates) than it is considered as a major reason.
  2. In addition, 7th house lord is weak in any case, viz- retrograde, combustor debilitate.
  3. Along with Venus/Jupiter is weak in the horoscope.
  4. Malefic planets combined
  5. Saturn (like Mars, Rahu) aspects 7th house is also a reason for late marriage in the horoscope.
  6. Saturn and Mars have a combined influence on the seventh house.
  7. The 7th house is vacant and not aspected by any planet.

What not to do to avoid delay in marriage

  1. Don’t wear any yantra without consulting your astrologer.
  2. If you are conducting any pooja or reciting any mantra for marriage, do not discontinue it. Do it at fixed time as far as possible.
  3. Avoid any argument with your parents or elderly relatives.
  4. 4. Avoid having kitchen in the North-east direction and taking food in drawing room.
  5. 5. Never sleep on metal cot
  6. 6. For the time being don’t keep mirror in your bed room, instead keep the good quality photograph of Shiva-Parvati together.
  7. 7. Marriageable age boys must sleep in bedrooms facing the North-East and for girls it should be north-west.
    The best results will be gained if the marriage seeker will perform this remedy him/herself. So, these are some remedies for the ones who are willing to marry. You can follow some of these measures as per your convenience. You need to spare some time to perform these remedies with positivity. I hope you will get married soon with your dream partner.

What to do to avoid delay in marriage

  • If a girl’s marriage is getting delayed, she should keep fast for sixteen consecutive Mondays and offer jalabhishek with sacred water in Shivling. She should dress up as Goddess Parvati, tie the knot between Shiva and Parvati and pray for early marriage. Marriage proposals will start pouring in.
  • The girls of marriageable age should recite following time tested mantra for early happy marriage. “Om katyayani mahabhage mahayoginy adhishvarim, Nand gop sutam devi patiam me kurute namah
  • Reciting Gauri Shanker Mantra is also helpful. ” Hey gauri shankra ardhangini yatha tawam shanker priya
    Tatha ma kuru kalyani kanta kantam sudur labham
  • The girl wanting to get married should feed green grass or spinach (Palak) to Cow regularly.
  • Some find it very useful to recite the following Chaupai of Saint Tulsidas 108 times each day till the wish is fulfilled. The mantra is:’Tab Janak pai vasishtha aayesu biyah saaj samvari key, Mandavi shrutkeerati Urmila kumari lai hankari key.’
  • Get the root of banana tree durіng an auspicious Mahurat (consult a priest) and energize it by worshipping it, then kеер it securely wrapped in a yellow cloth.
  • If a girl’s marriage is being delayed then she ѕhоuld wear a locket of Shivling made from Amber gemstone in her chain, so that it becomes visible to others. She will ѕооn attract a person of her liking.
  • On a Thursday, put 7 betel nuts in a yellow colored piece of cloth, 7 janeu, 7 knots of turmeric, seven pieces of gur (jiggery), 7 yellow flowers, 7 pieces of brass, and one fistful of gram pulse. Offer prayer to Maha Gauri and put the packets in your house. After marriage, float the pack in water.
  • Those with Rahu dosha should worship Goddess Durga. Doing so can remove all obstacles in marriage.
  • Worshipping at Navagraha temple where the deities are with consorts are installed will remove the delays in getting married.
  • There is a belief that by helping the poor people in their marriages financially or otherwise will help the helper in getting married easier.
  • Another procedure for removing delays in getting marriage is to perform Tulasi marriage.
  • There are also some specific temples in almost every part of India, where if appropriate offerings are made with belief and devotion, the marriage may take place easily and earlier.
  • Another belief is to light panchadeepa (five earthen lamps) with oil and do abhishek (sacred bathing) with turmeric powder, milk, etc, to Lord Ganapathi who is seated under Neem tree and pray sincerely to the deity. The result will bring a good spouse without much delay.
  • Persons who are in between 25-30 yrs of age bracket are advised to wear yellow-colored clothes every Thursday, religiously. They should offer milk and water to Shivling every Monday morning while chanting the following mantra up to 108 times- “Om Parvatipataye Namah”. Do this remedy until at least 9 Thursdays. 16. Individuals in 31-35 years of age bracket are advised to plant a banana tree outside their home. They must avoid consuming salt on Thursdays and chant “Om Brum Brhaspataye Namah” for at least 3 times in front of Vishnu idol.
  • Individuals of age gr0 yrs. are advised to get 108 bel patra leaves and write Lord Rama’s name with sandalwood paste. Now offer these bel patra leaves onto Shivling, while chanting- “Om Namah Shivay”.
  • To avoid delay in marriage the girl should offer water at a Peepal tree for 43 days and also light a Deepak there (pure ghee lamp). One should not do this on Sundays and during menstrual periods.
  • Boys and girls whose marriage is getting delayed should mix a little turmeric powder in their bath water and after taking the bath should put a tilak (holy spot) on the forehead with saffron .
  • In case of a girl’s marriage getting delayed, make her wear new clothes during marriage talks.
  • If you are short of good proposals to marry off the girl, give her to wear yellow clothes on Thursday and white clothes on Friday. If these clothes are new, that’s better. Do it for 4 weeks and you will surely get good marriage proposals worth considering?
  • If marriage negotiation is breaking down repeatedly after reaching to final stages, make it a point to put off shoes/slippers before entering the room where talks are taking place.
  • At the moment when bride’s side is entering prospective groom’s household for negotiation talk, girl’s parents and other well-wishers should put left or right foot first inside the house, depending upon the nostril from which they are breathing.
  • When the parents go for marriage negotiation to groom’s house, girl should keep her hair open, not tie them. She should also be happy and offer sweets to them..
  • If one reads verses related to the marriage of Shiva and Parvati in the Balkand of Ramcharit Manas every day, wishes of early marriage are fulfilled.

Why God Delays Marriage?

Some people think that our marriage gets delayed because of God. And some people said that God delays marriage for a reason. But in reality, planetary positions are a major reason for delays in marriage. At the time of our birth, some constellations and planets are in some position in the sky which has a wrong effect on us. Because of this, in the future, we have to face many problems related to marriage. So if you want to know what the remedy is, then we would like to tell you that these measures have been given by the same God whom you hold responsible for delaying your marriage.

What are the astrological remedies for overcoming delay in marriages?

It has been observed that the planet affecting marriage is mainly Jupiter. Jupiter is the only planet that causes the marriage to happen early or late in most cases, but this does not mean that other planets do not affect it. So today we are going to tell you the remedies for overcoming delay in marriage due to Jupiter. Now do these remedies to resolve all problems related to marri

Remedy for girl marriage

  1. Powerful solution for delayed marriage for girl – Offer turmeric mixed with water to the sun every morning and go to the religious place once a week.
  2. Normally, the marriage of men depends on the planet Venus, but because it is related to the wife, then it is necessary to take measures of Jupiter too after contacting an astrologer.

Marriage Remedy for Boy

  1. Powerful solution for delayed marriage for boy – Make a habit to get up early in the morning take a wash and chant Om Namah Shivaya 108 times in the morning and evening.
  2. Along with it if you drink and eat meat, then discard it.
  3. For more delay marriage remedy as per your horoscope or if you have any other inquiries feel free to approach our astrologer.

How to know Why your marriage is getting delayed?

If you are searching to know why my marriage is getting delayed? Then we would like to tell you that the reason behind this can be found only if you have your date of birth and along with it you know the accurate time of your birth, only then it can be known, why the marriage is not happening. Because as we have already told you that astrological reasons behind the delay in marriage can only be known after consulting an astrologer. And an astrologer cannot tell anything without having your birth details. Or unless he knows palmistry.

Palmistry is also a tool to predict the future through hand lines. So, in the event, you don’t know your birth details or you have doubts about your birth details. Then you can still get in touch with our astrologer. Because our astrologer also has knowledge of palmistry. So in this way, you can know why your marriage is getting delayed.

How to calculate marriage age in astrology and late marriage causes and effects?

Well calculating the marriage is not the biggest problem. It can easily do so. When you will take the help of our astrologer. Because as he has the proper knowledge and experience in this field and also knows that what are the signs due to which marriage gets delayed. As marriage age can get calculated on the basis of the date of birth. This method is very prominent in the numerology. Now we let you know that how marriage can get calculated in the following steps:

  1. He first calculates the total of your date of birth.
  2. Like, add on the year-date and month.
  3. Then after adding it when two digits number gets to appear.
  4. Then possibly it will your marriage age.

How to do pooja to overcome delay in marriage?

If you still not be able to find that person in your life with whom you feel that you will spend the whole of your life. Then you can take the help of our Pandit Ji. He can tell you the pooja that you have to perform once in a week. In order to solve your problem of marriage. You have to follow the instructions of our Pandit Ji while performing this pooja. The only thought that comes in your mind is what sort of person you want and you are getting closer to your finish point. With the help of this pooja, you can easily find your, future life partner.

  1. The first and the foremost thing that you have to do before sitting for the pooja is that collect all the ingredients.
  2. Then take a bath of turmeric and Chandan.
  3. Because it will purify your body and soul.
  4. Then after that wear yellow clothes.
  5. Because you have to perform this pooja on Thursday.
  6. Then attain the position of sidhi.
  7. At the end of the pooja. You will get to know its results. That either you will feel attracted towards someone or any of one can come into your life.