The Success Story of Matrimonial Websites in India

The Success Story of Matrimonial Websites in India

The Success Story of Matrimonial Websites in India

The Success Story of Matrimonial Websites in India

Discover the reasons behind the immense growth and impact of matrimonial websites in India. Learn about the vast reach, customized search options, enhanced privacy and security measures, focus on cultural compatibility, and additional features and services that have made these platforms successful. Find out how matrimonial websites have revolutionized the way Indians find their life partners, making the process more convenient, efficient, and successful.

Matrimonial websites have become a phenomenon in India, revolutionizing the way people find their life partners. With their increasing popularity and success, it’s worth exploring the reasons behind their immense growth and impact on Indian society.

1. Vast Reach and Accessibility

One of the key factors contributing to the success of matrimonial websites in India is their ability to reach a wide audience. With a vast population spread across the country, these platforms provide a convenient and accessible way for individuals to connect with potential partners from different regions, communities, and backgrounds. This wider reach increases the chances of finding a suitable match, especially for those living in urban areas.

2. Customized Search Options

Matrimonial websites offer advanced search features that allow users to filter their preferences based on various criteria such as age, education, profession, religion, and more. This customization enables individuals to narrow down their search and focus on profiles that align with their specific requirements. By providing a tailored approach to matchmaking, these platforms save time and effort for users, making the process more efficient and effective.

3. Enhanced Privacy and Security

Privacy and security are of utmost importance when it comes to finding a life partner. Matrimonial websites in India understand this concern and have implemented robust measures to protect user information. They offer features like secure profiles, photo protection, and controlled visibility, ensuring that personal details are shared only with trusted and verified individuals. This emphasis on privacy and security has built trust among users, contributing to the success of these websites.

4. Cultural Compatibility and Community Focus

India is a diverse country with numerous communities and cultural traditions. Matrimonial websites cater to this diversity by providing options for individuals to search within their own community or specific cultural preferences. This focus on cultural compatibility helps individuals find partners who share similar values, beliefs, and traditions, which is highly valued in Indian society. By facilitating matches based on community and culture, these platforms increase the chances of long-lasting and successful marriages.

5. Changing Social Dynamics and Busy Lifestyles

The social dynamics in India have evolved significantly over the years. Young professionals are increasingly focused on their careers, which leaves them with limited time and opportunities to meet potential partners through traditional methods. Matrimonial websites provide a convenient solution by allowing individuals to search for compatible matches at their own convenience, without the need for intermediaries or extensive social interactions. This flexibility aligns well with the changing lifestyles and preferences of modern Indians.

6. Trust and Success Stories

Matrimonial websites have gained a reputation for successfully facilitating marriages and creating happy couples. The positive word-of-mouth and success stories shared by people who found their life partners through these platforms have further boosted their credibility and trustworthiness. This trust factor plays a significant role in attracting new users and contributing to the continued success of matrimonial websites in India.

7. Additional Features and Services

Matrimonial websites have evolved beyond just matchmaking platforms. They now offer additional features and services such as horoscope matching, personalized assistance, and relationship counseling. These value-added services enhance the overall user experience and provide comprehensive support throughout the journey of finding a life partner.

In conclusion, the success of matrimonial websites in India can be attributed to their vast reach, customized search options, enhanced privacy and security measures, focus on cultural compatibility, alignment with changing social dynamics, trustworthiness, and additional features and services. These platforms have transformed the way Indians approach the search for a life partner, making it more convenient, efficient, and successful.

Why Registering a Profile on Matrimony Websites is Worthwhile

Why Registering a Profile on Matrimony Websites is Worthwhile

Why Registering a Profile on Matrimony Websites is Worthwhile

Are you single and ready to mingle? Registering a profile on matrimony websites might just be the perfect solution for you. In this blog post, we explore the reasons why registering a profile on matrimony websites is worthwhile. From a vast pool of potential matches and advanced search filters to detailed profiles and enhanced communication tools, these platforms provide a convenient and effective way to find a compatible life partner. Give matrimony websites a try and your perfect match might just be a click away!

Are you single and ready to mingle? If you’re on the lookout for a life partner, then registering a profile on matrimony websites might just be the perfect solution for you. In this digital age, the traditional methods of finding a suitable match have evolved, and online platforms have emerged as a popular choice for individuals seeking lifelong companionship. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why registering a profile on matrimony websites is worthwhile.

1. A Vast Pool of Potential Matches

One of the most significant advantages of matrimony websites is the vast pool of potential matches they offer. These platforms attract individuals from various backgrounds, communities, and regions, increasing your chances of finding a compatible partner. Unlike traditional matchmaking methods that are often limited to your immediate social circle, matrimony websites open doors to a world of possibilities.

2. Advanced Search Filters

Matrimony websites provide advanced search filters that allow you to narrow down your search based on specific criteria. Whether it’s age, education, occupation, or even hobbies and interests, these filters help you find someone who matches your preferences. This saves you time and effort by eliminating mismatches and focusing on profiles that align with your requirements.

3. Detailed Profiles and Compatibility Assessments

Matrimony websites provide users with the opportunity to create detailed profiles, providing insights into their personality, background, and preferences. This wealth of information helps you gauge compatibility even before initiating a conversation. Additionally, some platforms offer compatibility assessments and matching algorithms that further enhance the matchmaking process.

4. Privacy and Security

Concerns about privacy and security are common when it comes to online platforms. However, reputable matrimony websites prioritize the safety of their users. They implement strict privacy policies, secure data encryption, and profile verification processes to ensure a safe and reliable environment. You can rest assured that your personal information will be protected.

5. Convenient and Time-Saving

Registering a profile on a matrimony website is incredibly convenient and time-saving. You can create your profile, browse through potential matches, and initiate conversations from the comfort of your own home. This eliminates the need to attend numerous social events or rely solely on friends and family for introductions. With just a few clicks, you can connect with like-minded individuals who are also actively seeking a life partner.

6. Enhanced Communication Tools

Matrimony websites offer a range of communication tools that facilitate interaction between potential partners. From private messaging to video calls, these platforms provide a seamless way to get to know someone before taking the next step. This allows you to build a connection and assess compatibility without the pressure of immediate face-to-face meetings.

7. Success Stories

Matrimony websites have a track record of successful matches and happy couples. Many individuals have found their life partners through these platforms, leading to fulfilling relationships and marriages. Reading success stories can provide you with hope and inspiration, reinforcing the idea that registering a profile on a matrimony website can indeed lead to a lifelong partnership.

In conclusion, registering a profile on matrimony websites offers a multitude of benefits. From a vast pool of potential matches and advanced search filters to detailed profiles and enhanced communication tools, these platforms provide a convenient and effective way to find a compatible life partner. So, if you’re ready to take the next step in your search for love, why not give matrimony websites a try? Who knows, your perfect match might just be a click away!

The Pros and Cons of Free Matrimonial Sites with Contact Numbers

The Pros and Cons of Free Matrimonial Sites with Contact Numbers

The Pros and Cons of Free Matrimonial Sites with Contact Numbers

Discover the pros and cons of free matrimonial sites with contact numbers. Learn about the benefits of direct communication, time-saving features, and increased trust. However, be aware of privacy concerns, unsolicited communication, and limited reach. Prioritize your safety and privacy while considering the potential benefits of direct communication in matrimonial sites.

When it comes to searching for a life partner, matrimonial sites have become increasingly popular. With the rise of technology, finding a compatible match has become easier than ever before. There are numerous matrimonial sites available online, offering a wide range of services to help individuals find their perfect match. One of the key features that many people look for in these sites is the availability of contact numbers. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of free matrimonial sites with contact numbers.

The Pros

1. Direct Communication

One of the biggest advantages of free matrimonial sites with contact numbers is the ability to directly communicate with potential matches. Having access to contact numbers allows you to bypass the limitations of online messaging systems and connect with individuals on a more personal level. This direct communication can help you gauge compatibility and build a stronger connection right from the start.

2. Time-saving

By providing contact numbers, free matrimonial sites save you time and effort. Instead of going back and forth with messages, you can simply pick up the phone and have a conversation. This can be particularly beneficial if you have a busy lifestyle or are looking to find a partner quickly.

3. Increased Trust

Having access to contact numbers can increase trust between potential partners. It allows you to verify the authenticity of the person you are communicating with. By speaking directly, you can get a better sense of their personality, intentions, and overall compatibility.

The Cons

1. Privacy Concerns

While contact numbers can facilitate direct communication, they also raise privacy concerns. Sharing your phone number with strangers can potentially lead to unwanted calls or messages. It is important to exercise caution and only share your contact information with individuals you trust.

2. Unsolicited Communication

Providing contact numbers on matrimonial sites may lead to unsolicited communication from individuals who may not be suitable matches. This can be frustrating and time-consuming, as you may receive calls or messages from people who do not meet your criteria. It is essential to set boundaries and be selective about who you share your contact information with.

3. Limited Reach

Free matrimonial sites with contact numbers may have a limited reach, as not all individuals are comfortable sharing their phone numbers online. This means that you may miss out on potential matches who prefer to communicate solely through the platform’s messaging system.


Free matrimonial sites with contact numbers offer direct communication, time-saving benefits, and increased trust. However, they also come with privacy concerns, the potential for unsolicited communication, and a limited reach. It is important to weigh these pros and cons before deciding to use such sites. If you do choose to share your contact number, exercise caution and only share it with individuals you trust.

Ultimately, the decision to use free matrimonial sites with contact numbers is a personal one. It is essential to prioritize your safety and privacy while also considering the potential benefits of direct communication. Remember to conduct thorough research, read reviews, and take necessary precautions before sharing your contact information on any online platform.

Bio data for marriage free

Bio data for marriage free

Bio data for marriage free

One of the first steps that people take before choosing a compatible life partner for themselves is to make an attractive and honest marriage resume. It helps you find your soul mate in a way you cannot imagine. If you make the right resume for your marriage, you are automatically increasing your chances of meeting your compatible life partner. That’s why we should know everything related to the marriage biography.

First things first, biography stands for biographical data which is a detailed description of a person looking to find his/her life partner. You should also know the different types of marriage biodata formats before making one so that you can choose the one respectively. Let’s understand the same, key tips to create a perfect biodata for marriage and things that you should keep in mind while creating a biodata for marriage.

Why you need a Marriage Biodata?

One of the most important questions that people ask before creating a marriage biodata is why they should make a marriage biodata. Well, that question is valid. Here are some reasons why you should make your marriage resume without any second thoughts.
  1. A marriage resume helps you make that first impression without even meeting. There are many people who can be your potential soulmate but you can’t meet everyone. Your curriculum vitae, however, can reach as many people as you want. And with that, you can find your compatible life companion. So, if you create a good, informative resume for marriage, you are making the right first impression on people. To do that, make your curriculum vitae as soon as possible.
  2. By creating your marriage biodata, you are making the partner-search process easier for you. This document will consisting of all the important information about yourself. So, it would be easier for people to decide whether they want to go further or not.
  3. Your marriage biodata also enhances the chances of you finding a compatible partner. It can be a tiresome task if you choose to go through a traditional method. So, it will help you save your valuable time.
  4. With your marriage resume, you can communicate exactly what you’re looking for in your life partner. Mention all the preferences on your marriage resume and you will enjoy reasonable chances to get the right life partner.

How to Make a Biodata for Marriage?

You must be wondering all along about the process to make your premium marriage biography. Well, it is super easy. First of all, you need to choose the theme you want for your resume. Then, you will need to enter the details-Personal, Family and Contact. These details will include name, caste, religion, city, contact number, date of birth, height, employment details, constellation, annual income, etc. As soon as you put all these details, you can download your marriage biodata immediately. And you are all ready to start your partner-search journey.

Tips to Make a Perfect Marriage Resume

Marriage resume is a kind of marital resume. Like an employer looks at your work resume before offering you a job, your potential life partner looks at your marriage resume to decide whether s/he finds you compatible or not. When you are going to search for your life partner, it is important to choose the right kind of marriage biodata format otherwise you will not be able to transmit what you are in real life through your biodata. One of the common problems that people face is that they don’t know how to make a perfect marriage resume. That’s why we are giving you some key tips below that can help you in choosing the right sort of biodata format for marriage. Have a look!
  1. In any marriage biodata format, the first thing that goes right at the beginning is your personal information which includes your full name, contact information, education, physical appearance, marital status, professional details, etc.
  2. Once you are done with the personal information, put all your family details as your potential partner will also be interested in having sufficient information about your family. Under this section, mention details like your father’s & mother’s names, their occupations, family structure, etc.
  3. One of the crucial things that you should add to your marriage biodata is 4-to 5 latest photographs of yourself so that your potential soulmate can have a brief look before meeting you. Never use group photographs or blurred ones. Try to add those photographs of yours that are high-resolution and most importantly, clear.
  4. If you can, be creative while creating your marriage biodata because it’s all about showing your personality to someone else. And if you can do so, don’t be afraid of being creative or adding some humor to your curriculum vitae.
  5. You should also add your partner’s expectations in your resume for marriage as it will send a clear signal to the person who is going to spend the rest of their life with you. When they know what kind of partner you’re looking for, they will be able to make a better decision about whether they want to go forward or not.
  6. Nowadays, in all types of biodata format for marriage, people add different aspects of their personality so that an individual can understand their overall personality. Under this section, you can mention your hobbies, likes, dislikes, eating and drinking preferences, beliefs, activities you want to try, and other things.
  7. One of the most important things that you never forget while making your marriage biography is that you have to be honest while giving details about yourself. You’re finding your life partner here and you cannot manage not to be honest and transparent about yourself.

Different Types of Marriage Biography Formats

We all know the significance of marriage biodata when searching for your life partner. Almost everyone makes a resume before making that big decision of marriage. And various types of marriage biodata formats are popular among people. You can have a look at some of those below.

  1. hindu marriage bio data format
  2. Muslim marriage resume format
  3. One-page / Two-page marriage biodata format
  4. Jain marriage biography format
  5. Community-based marriage biography format
  6. Christian/Sikh/Sindhi marriage resume format

In the two-page marriage biodata format, you get one separate page where you can add additional details about the family background and other things you want to mention. The aforementioned formats are some of the most popular ones among the people who are beginning their life partner search process.

Which Biodata Format You Should Choose?

If you don’t choose the right resume format, you will end up wasting everyone’s time. Each marriage resume format serves different purposes for different people. Let’s know more about different types of marriage biodata formats and which one you should choose depending on your needs.

Single-page Biodata Format

This is the most basic marriage resume format. As obvious from its name, in this format, you put together all the details about yourself on a single page. If you are confident that you can squeeze all the important details about yourself into a single scrollable page, you can go forward with this format. But make sure that you are conveying all the important things about yourself otherwise it would be a lost cause choosing this format. Some people want to be concise with their details and this format ideally suits them.

Multi-page Biodata Format

The second basic marriage biodata format is frequently used by those people who want to put every detail about themselves, as little to as much as possible, on their biodata for marriage. Unlike the single-page curriculum vitae format, you can take more than one page to tell more about yourself. Ideal for people who want to tell more about themselves, this marriage biodata format lets you transmit all the information in a detailed manner. When people get to know more about you, there are higher opportunities to find your life partner easier.

Religion and Community-based Biodata Format

Other than the basic ones, many people also choose religion or community-based marriage biography format. If you are someone who is searching your a life partner from a particular religion (Hindu, Jain, Muslim, Parsi, Sikh, etc.) or community ( Agarwal, Brahmin, Reddy, Saini, Shafi, Yadav, Shia, etc.), This marriage biography format would be the right choice for you. You can also merge the basic resume format with this type. For instance, you can choose a single-page marriage biodata format as well as add community-based details to it. However, if you are flexible enough and find your life partner in any community or religion, you can skip this type of marriage resume.

Difference Between Marriage Biography and Job Biodata

One of the first things that you need to forget about your marriage resume is that it is not the same as your work resume. There are many differences and the most prominent one is that you can make your work biodata (resume) multiple times while changing your job whereas, you cannot create your marriage biodata more than once in our country.

As it’s clear from its name, work biodata is about work or employment. Through your work curriculum vitae, you want to secure a job. So, you will include details about your work skills, past experience, education, projects you have worked on, etc. On the other hand, your marriage resume is like a glimpse of your personality through which others can know a bit about you. So, you will include things about which you are passionate, your preferences in a life partner, family details, etc. So, always remember that marriage biodata and work biodata are two completely different things.

Preventing conjunctivitis: 7 simple exercises to ward of eye flu and keep your eyes healthy

Preventing conjunctivitis: 7 simple exercises to ward of eye flu and keep your eyes healthy

Preventing conjunctivitis: 7 simple exercises to ward of eye flu and keep your eyes healthy

Conjunctivitis cases are spreading exponentially across various parts of the country, especially in areas that have witnessed heavy rains, flooding and waterlogging. Keeping the ongoing monsoon season and the high humidity levels in mind that are leading to the rise of bacterial and viral infections, it’s imperative to take care of your eye health. Acute viral conjunctivitis is on rise these days which can spread quite easily as it can survive on surfaces for quite a while. To prevent its spread, it’s important to wash your hands often and avoid touching your eyes when in a public place. One should try to keep social distance and be careful while traveling in public transport. Redness, itchiness, stickiness and pain in the eyes should not be ignored as these can be signs of conjunctivitis or pink eye.

Eye flu or conjunctivitis can also be prevented by following certain measures from taking a nutritional diet to doing eye exercises. There are certain exercises that help control swelling in the eyes and prepare them for fighting infections.

“As the monsoon season arrives, it not only brings a sense of relief from the scorching heat, but also ushers in a host of infections and diseases. “Threat to our health. Among the common monsoon-related diseases, eye flu, or conjunctivitis, emerges as a frequent concern,” says Dr Anurag Wahi, Senior Consultant, Sharp Sight Eye Hospitals in an interview with HT Digital.

“Eye flu, also known as conjunctivitis, is a contagious eye infection that can cause discomfort and inconvenience. In addition to maintaining good hygiene practices, recent studies suggest that regular exercise can contribute significantly to preventing eye flu and promoting better eye health. Engaging in Specific exercises help improve blood circulation, reduce inflammation, and enhance tear production, making our eyes more resistant to infections,” adds Dr. Wahi.

Let’s check out some simple yet effective exercises to keep your eyes healthy and flu-free.

1. Brisk walking

Brisk walking is an accessible and low-impact exercise that stimulates blood flow throughout the body, including the eyes. Aim for at least 30 minutes of walking daily to improve overall circulation and eye health.

2. Cycling

Cycling is a great cardiovascular exercise that increases oxygen supply to the eyes. Regular cycling can help maintain eye health and prevent eye flu.

3. Aerobics

Engaging in aerobic exercises, such as jumping jacks and dancing, boosts heart rate and promotes tear production. Tears help protect the eyes from potential contaminants, reducing the risk of eye infections.

Simple yet effective exercises to keep your eyes healthy and flu-free.

4. Eye rolling

Eye rolling is a simple exercise to reduce eye strain and enhance eye lubrication. Sit comfortably and slowly roll your eyes in a circular motion five times clockwise and five times counterclockwise.

5. Blinking rapidly

Blink rapidly for about 20 seconds at regular intervals. Rapid blinking spreads natural tears over the eye’s surface, keeping them moisturized and less susceptible to infections.

6. Focus shifting

Focus on an object near you for a few seconds, then shift your focus to something far away. Repeat this exercise several times to improve eye flexibility and reduce strain.

7. Palming

Rub your palms together until they become warm, then gently place them over your closed eyes. Palming relieves eye fatigue, relaxes eye muscles, and provides a soothing effect.

“Preventing eye flu goes beyond practicing good hygiene; incorporating regular exercise into your routine can significantly contribute to better eye health. These simple exercises promote blood circulation, reduce inflammation, and enhance tear production, making your eyes more resilient to infections. Alongside exercise, remember to wash hands frequently, avoid touching your eyes unnecessarily, and maintain overall eye care,” concludes Dr Wahi.

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A child marriage free India, starting from Assam!

A child marriage free India, starting from Assam!

Assam crackdown on child marriage: What does the law say?

I remember how the classic film “Balika Badhu” presented the topic of marriage between two children in India at a tender age. Child marriages were not uncommon in our country in the pre-Independence era. Forward to half a century later, it is unfortunate that we are still discussing the topic of child marriage in the country today. To look at it from a religious perspective and classify it as a sort of an interference with a community, religion or culture is simply illogical.

Marriage not only for girls but for boys who have not attained the age of 18 leads to many social problems in the community. To begin with, it contributes to India’s population that is bursting at the seams. Moreover, it leads to mental health issues since the person does not get a chance to develop fully, both mentally and emotionally, at such a young age.

To opine that these young girls should be given a chance to perform beyond their household chores and bring out their talent is so passe when we are approaching a worldwide recession. The priority should be to educate and skill the women folk as much as men so that they can contribute to their household income. This will improve their finances and bring their families out of poverty.

If we look at the figures, they are extremely disappointing.

According to The National Family Health Survey-V (NFHS 2019-21) nationally 23.3% women between the age group of 20-24 were married off before attaining the age of 18. This means these women merely got a chance to get some basic education, that too only in a few cases, before they started their reproductive cycle. It also means, they would not be fully equipped to educate their future generations.

A report from Unicef states that pregnancy-related complications are the number one cause of death among girls between 15 and 19 years of age. Since adolescent girls are still growing themselves, they are at greater risk of complications if they become pregnant.

This contributes to an increase in the overall Maternal Mortality rate or MMR in the country.

It is great that MMR in the country declined from 130 per lakh live births in 2014-16 to 122 in 2015-17, and further dropped by 9 points to 113 in 2016-18. By 2017-19, India’s MMR was already down to 103, against a global MMR of 211 (2017).

However, as per the Sample Registration System (SRS) report of Registrar General of India(RGI), the MMR for the state of Assam is the highest in the country.

Is it only a coincidence that Assam also has the highest number of child marriages?

The efforts being carried out in this regard by the Assam Government need to be applauded. CM Himanta Biswa Sarma’s invoking of the stringent laws such as POCSO (The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act) could serve as a heavy deterrent in dealing with this social menace.

Instead, sadly, this issue is being targeted for political gains and vote bank.

A few months ago, with the support of around 70000 women from across the country, a nationwide Child Marriage Free India campaign in 10000 villages in over 500 districts was launched. The campaign was led by Nobel laureate Kailash Satyarthi.

It is such campaigns at the grassroots that give us hope for social reforms in rural India. And so should be supported beyond political and intellectual differences. As only physically and mentally astute citizens can usher in a more economically and socially developed India.

Infect, this campaign should run in other states with similar child marriage figures. And, should be supported by all political parties leaving their political and religious differences aside. As it affects a great number of our girls that are unable to completely live out their childhood.

The secrets and benefits of yoga: A fight with Diabetes

The secrets and benefits of yoga: A fight with Diabetes

The secrets and benefits of yoga: A fight with Diabetes

Yoga’s many health benefits include aiding in the management of Diabetes without leading to its dangerous complications. Yes, you can indulge in sweets, cakes, and chocolate occasionally, but remember that the central teachings of yoga are self-control and discipline, as well as avoiding overindulgence. So, when you practice yoga regularly and follow its principles, it is your best insurance to lead a healthy and long life.

Diabetes is not curable. But you can keep it at bay!

It is early in the evening. You just had a late, heavy dinner, and you are full, but something is still missing. You just can’t put your finger on it, and it suddenly flashes on you – you missed your dessert-the eternal ‘muh meetha (mouth sweetening)’ moment. You stare into the fridge, the light illuminating frozen dinners and boxes of leftovers, and then your eyes go to what you have been searching for – that box of sweets that your relatives had brought the other day, bless their hearts. As you dive into the divine world of ‘pedas’ and ‘rasgullas,’ the old newspaper wrapped around the packet catches your eye. Right before you can sink your teeth in, you see an article on Diabetes peeking into your soul, questioning your decision with a headline that announces, ‘1.5 million deaths are directly attributed to diabetes each year’. You remember talking with your relatives yesterday about how their 48-year-old neighbor had kidney failure due to high sugar and died last week. You congratulate them on their audacity to bring sweets, and an eternity of inner monologue later, you keep those sweets, untouched and virgin-like, back in the fridge as you stare at them longingly. At the same time, you close the fridge door and walk away.

Excuse my amateurish attempt at humor, as there is nothing humorous about Diabetes. There are currently nearly 80 million people with Diabetes in India, and by 2045, 135 million Indians will have the disease. Worldwide, the number is even scarier, as according to the WHO, 422 million people around the globe have Diabetes, and the number is expected to rise.

Diabetes is a “slow poison.” It is a disease associated with other conditions like high blood pressure leading to heart attacks, kidney failure, blindness, and other ailments. Diabetes is not curable, but it can be managed. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to understand how you can live a decent lifestyle by enjoying sweets in moderation and at the same time get your Diabetes controlled. Unfortunately, there is no drug known to mankind that can cure Diabetes. While a significant armamentarium of medications can help control your blood sugar, some come at the cost of having side effects. Many effective diabetic drugs have fallen into disrepute because they do not protect the heart. The present dictate to pharmaceutical manufacturers is only to discover medicines that have proven protection for the heart. The simple reason being a diabetic mostly dies due to heart disease or its complication.

It is essential to understand that medications, even when taken appropriately, do not cure or treat diabetes mellitus. This disease is called a lifestyle disease, and its treatment requires extensive lifestyle changes, with medications secondary to it. Millions of people have successfully been able to keep their Diabetes absolutely in control after engaging in radical lifestyle changes. Though it sounds complicated and impossible, it will disrupt your regular work and almost certainly entail giving up your profession. Fortunately, such fears are uncalled for because all you need to do is practice yoga for half an hour 4/5 days a week, including 10 minutes of mindfulness and meditation. You might be thinking that it is a long prescription. It is not. Unlike our teeming millions of “asana experts,” that fill the yoga space in social media with their verbose claims of how they do challenging yoga postures (asanas) or post pictures of themselves bent at every joint. Unfortunately, none of that is yoga! More importantly, this is different from the yoga you need to do. Whether you would like preferable call some of them ” monkey dances” is something I will let you decide. Yoga is a practical and effective lifestyle modification that involves Asanas (Postures), Dharana (Mindfulness), and Dhyana (Meditation). Whether you believe it or not, at least seven of the eight components of yoga are essential to induce a lifestyle change. Yoga space has been unfortunately polluted by half-baked experts who need clinical training. Whether yoga works or not in Diabetes is not based on my personal experience. I would then be no different from the “erudite” neighborhood yoga practitioner or Guru who believes their experience is all that is required to prove that it works. Unfortunately, clinical medicine, including yoga therapy, is a scientific proposition propelled by research and not by witch doctors’ voodoo medicine! 

Regular walks, combined with specific yoga poses like Dhanurasana and multiple twisting poses, can be helpful for people with Diabetes, as it helps burn off the excess sugar that has built up in their bodies and stimulate insulin production. In addition, Surya Namaskara, or Sun Salutation, is a sequence of 12 powerful yoga asanas, which is another effective way to reign in your rising blood sugar level. However, it can be modified by doing a faster variation that consumes more calories.

Another point on which modern medicine agrees with yogic principles is that stress exacerbates Diabetes. When stressed, your body releases hormones that can cause blood sugar to increase and blood pressure and heart rate. In addition, multiple studies have found that yoga can improve anxiety and stress. Depression and anxiety are common reactions to stress, and practicing yoga regularly can-do wonders for your mental health. However, asanas or postures have minimal effect on reducing stress on bringing about respite to mental aberrations like anxiety or depression. Thus, it is essential to practice the entire gamut of yoga, which includes concentration, mindfulness, and meditation.

Last but not least, ‘you are what you eat’ might be quite literal for people with Diabetes. Indulging your sweet tooth urges might make you sweeter, literally, by increasing the blood sugar level in your body. This, unfortunately, has multifarious unseen ramifications, including blocking blood vessels leading to heart attack, stroke, or even amputations! People who have Diabetes should be aware of how essential it is, in addition to their yoga practice, to maintain a disciplined approach to their Ahara (diet). Yoga is effective in bringing blood sugar levels under control, particularly when combined with dietary modifications. If you have Diabetes, the most important thing you can do for your health is to pay close attention to what you put in your body, basically your diet. A diet that includes plenty of whole grains, fresh fruits, and raw veggies is low in calories and fat and contributes to an alkaline diet of high-quality natural foods. Avoid overeating by eating modest, frequent meals.

Best life lessons from Bhagavad Gita to overcome stress

Best life lessons from Bhagavad Gita to overcome stress

Best life lessons from Bhagavad Gita to overcome stress

Bhagavad Gita: Generally most people are stressed out these days. On top of that tremendous stress and anxiety have gripped Indian professionals around the world, after big tech companies underwent a massive layoff. Losing jobs suddenly is an evident pain, as we all know how important earning money is for keeping the basics of life on track.

In these situations, perhaps Bhagavad Gita could be of great help. When a confused Arjuna turned to his charioteer, Lord Krishna, for advice at the Kurukshetra, Lord Krishna stated some rational philosophical concepts that are relevant even today. Stress at work or in personal life can bog you down and debilitate you from doing any good to yourself or others. In fact the Bhagavad Gita talks about ways to handle stress.

This epic scripture has the answers to all our problems. It was considered a spiritual dictionary by Mahatma Gandhi and was a book of inspiration for many leaders of the Independence movement.
In his book ‘Universal Message of Bhagavad Gita Volume 1’ Swami Ranganathananda says, ‘In normal life difficulties come. If you can bear a little, probably things would be better a little later. When you swim in the ocean, the waves come and buffet you, dash against you. So when the waves come, duck underneath; and it goes away, you come up again. That is the way to deal with the waves. They come and they go. They are not always there. So you can always have the capacity developed to swim against the waves by this method.’

A few of these Bhagavad Gita quotes can help bring life back on the right track.

Best Bhagavad Gita Learnings

  1. Whatever happened, happened for the good. Whatever is happening, is happening for the good. Whatever will happen, will also happen for the good
  2. You have the right to work, but never to the fruit of work
  3. Change is the law of the universe. You can be a millionaire, or a pauper in an instant
  4. The soul is neither born, and nor does it die
  5. You came empty handed, and you will leave empty handed
  6. Lust, anger and greed are the three gates to self-destructive hell
  7. Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is
  8. When meditation is mastered, the mind is unwavering like the flame of a lamp in a windless place
  9. There is neither this world, nor the world beyond. Nor happiness for the one who doubts
  10. We are kept from our goal not by obstacles, but by a clear path to a lesser goal
  11. A person can rise through the efforts of his own mind; or draw himself down, in the same manner. Because each person is his own friend or enemy
  12. You are only entitled to the action, never to its fruits.
  13. Winter, summer, happiness, and pain; Giving, appearing, disappearing; Non-permanent, all of them; Just try to tolerate.
  14. Death is as sure for that which is born, as birth is for that which is dead. Therefore grieve not for what is inevitable.
  15. If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, a fruit or water, I will accept it.
  16. Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is.
  17. You are what you believe in. You become that which you believe you can become.
  18. Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.
  19. The spirit is beyond destruction. No one can bring an end to spirit which is everlasting.
  20. Through selfless service, you will always be fruitful and find the fulfillment of your desires
  21. In the dark night of all beings awakes to Light the tranquil man. But what is day to other beings is night for the sage who sees.
  22. The spirit is beyond destruction. No one can bring an end to spirit which is everlasting.
How to Create Impressive Matrimony Profiles

How to Create Impressive Matrimony Profiles

How to Create Impressive Matrimony Profiles –

Marriages are made in heaven. This is well known, but it is dependent on the Platform you choose. To find the best match, you must first find the appropriate profiles of brides and grooms and get to know each other.

The websites must always be user-friendly and easily accessible. It should be designed in such a way that both the Young and the elderly members of the family can use it comfortably. There are many features on these matrimonial websites that usually attract people and allow them to easily put up their profiles on any matrimonial site with complete privacy.

To get the perfect match you should know how to create an matrimony profile, by satisfying all the terms that one sees in his/her soul-mate.

We have a few tips to create an impressive matrimony profile

1) Try to be truthful about the information you’ve provided on the site

The information you provide must be appealing, complete, and entirely genuine. When providing information about yourself, you should be honest. Always provide accurate and up-to-date information. As a result, it will assist you in finding the ideal match.

2) Pictures Are Heart of All the Matrimonial Sites

Profile pictures are your only identity, defining you as what and how you appear in reality and will provide you with a genuine badge. These profile pictures make an impression on viewers, attracting them to your profile. You should and can upload as many pictures as you want; this scenario will help the other person learn about your personality and, more importantly, how you look and maintain yourself.

3) Make Sure That Your Profile Is Perfect with Mandatory details

You should always include all the required and mandatory details about yourself, and if possible about your social media accounts (such as Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, and so on), so that the other person can easily go through the profiles and get to know you better.

4) Mention the Family Background

This is one of the most important aspects of your matrimonial profile. The matrimonial profile must include information about your family, such as what they do, how many members there are in a family, and so on. This will allow the opposing party or his or her family to learn about the family status.

5) Partner Choice and Preferences

Generally, the matrimonial profile consists of 2 terms

  1. Personal details
  2. Partner preferences.

Personal information should be genuine and not over-promoted. No high expectations while writing the partner preferences. When discussing it with that person, you should always be practical and detailed with your words.

Browse all the top Profiles and Select the Best One for Yourself:

To attract people, you should create an eye-catching profile. Check out some of the top profiles on various matrimonial sites to get ideas about how they introduce themselves and what type of information they present, but don’t copy the details or patterns of any profile. Be genuine and truthful in your profile.

So, what are you waiting for? Create your impressive and appealing matrimony profile today in

LIST: Best and Top Ten Matrimony Websites in India

The best marriage sites in India for finding your perfect partner!

The best marriage sites in India for finding your perfect partner!

The best marriage sites in India for finding your perfect partner!

If you’re looking for the best marriage sites in India, you’ve come to the right place! We’ve compiled a list of the top websites for finding your perfect match, whether you’re Hindu, Muslim, Sikh or Christian.

The sites on our list are all free to join and have been carefully selected to offer the best possible experience for Indian singles. With so many options to choose from, you’re sure to find the perfect site for you!

So, what are you waiting for?

Start your search for the perfect partner today!

Shaadi season is here! Find your perfect match on our free shaadi portal today!

The search for the perfect life partner is a very important decision that every person has to make at some point in their life. And with the rise of online dating and matrimonial websites, the process of finding a suitable match has become easier than ever before.

But with so many options to choose from, it can be tough to know which website is right for you. That’s why we’ve created a free shaadi portal that helps you find your perfect match without any hassle.